Wednesday, 29 July 2009

WOMAD 2009

World Of Music Arts & Dance (WOMAD) was held from the 23rd to 26th July in the beautiful grounds of Charlton Park in Wiltshire. This festival had some of the best and most exciting music from around the world.
Hiromi & I would like to say a big thank you to all the people who visited our shop. We met so many great people with an interest in natural fibers and natural dyes. We have to say a special thank you to LOO-WHEEZE (pictured below).
This was the one we were most looking forward to trading at. It was large, very international and a family festival. Saturday's weather was better than expected only to be followed by a Sunday of continuous rain! This is supposed to be July!!!! The weather plays a major part in the enjoyment of festivals, luckily there were plenty of interesting things to take peoples' minds off the weather.
Again, we were blessed with great neighbours. Claudio (Italy), Amy (Italy) & Dani (Brazil). On the other side we had John (England), creator of really nice ceramic creatures. He can be found at
Forget Glastonbury! If you choose one festival a year, this should be it.

Natural clothing, bags and so on...